Dr. Vijaya Chirumamilla

Dr. Vijaya Chirumamilla is a Board Certified Internal Medicine Specialist at Southside Kidney Specialists. Dr. Chirumamilla has been a practicing Nephrologist in the Tri-Cities area for nearly 30 years. She is an expert in a variety of renal-related conditions, including Chronic Kidney Disease, Acid-Base Imbalances, and Electrolyte Abnormalities. She also has experience working with hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patients.

Dr. Chirumamilla completed her residency at Andhra University’s Government General Hospital located in Kakinada, India. She earned her graduate degree from Rangaraya Medical College in Kakinada, India, after graduating from Marisstella College in Vijayawada, India.

Dr. Chirumamilla feels that is has been a privilege to work with the practice’s patients, some of whom she has been known for decades. Her focus is always on improving her patients’ kidney function and overall quality of life.

In her free time, Dr. Chirumamilla can be found in her vegetable and flower garden. She also enjoys reading good books, painting, and practicing photography with her Smartphone. She is an active member of many civic organizations in the Richmond area and is committed to making our community a better place.